OB38 Advance Server of Free Fire is now out (Image via Garena)
Garena has finally got the ball rolling for the upcoming Free Fire OB38 update with the release of Advance Server today. The servers are already online, and gamers can hop on to the client to test the unreleased features before their incorporation into the game.
However, the client’s access is limited to the Android platform, and only the individuals possessing the Activation Code can access it. You may download the official APK file provided on the website and install it on your device to enjoy the features.
'; var MOB_3_PARAMS = {}; var options = { threshold: 0 , rootMargin: "200% 0px 200% 0px" }; var dynamicAdsObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) { entries.forEach(function (oneEntry) { if (oneEntry.isIntersecting) { dynamicAdsObserver.unobserve(oneEntry.target); var domId = oneEntry.target.id; googletag.cmd.push(function() { requestBidsForAdSlot(MOB_3_PARAMS["slot"], domId); }); } }); }, options); function loadAdUnit(input) { input.playerContainer.innerHTML += AD_UNIT_MARKUP; var adContainer = input.playerContainer.querySelector(".mob_300250_3_ad"); googletag.cmd.push(function() { var slot = initAdUnit("Mob_300250_3"); if (!slot) return; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = slot.getSlotElementId(); adContainer.appendChild(div); if (input.userCountry == "IN") { requestBidsForAdSlot(slot, div.id); return; } MOB_3_PARAMS["slot"] = slot; var adElementDiv = document.getElementById(adUnits["Mob_300250_3"].div); dynamicAdsObserver.observe(adElementDiv); }); } return loadAdUnit; })();
'; function loadPlayer(params) { if (typeof initConnatixPlayer === "function") { params.playerContainer.innerHTML += PLAYER_MARKUP; var container = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".connatix-container"); container.classList.remove("hidden"); var holder = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".connatix-holder"); initConnatixPlayer(holder, params); } } return loadPlayer; })();
'; function loadPlayer(params) { if (typeof initSTNPlayer === "function") { params.playerContainer.innerHTML += PLAYER_MARKUP; var container = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".stnPlayer-container"); container.classList.remove("hidden"); var holder = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".s2nPlayer-holder"); initSTNPlayer(holder, params); } } return loadPlayer; })();
Read through for a detailed guide on downloading and installing the latest Advance Server.
How to download and install Free Fire OB38 Advance Server using the APK file
You may follow the steps outlined in the following section to download and install Free Fire OB38 Advance Server[4]:
Step 1: Search for Free Fire Advance Server website on any web browser.
Step 2: Log in to the account previously used for signing up for the client.
Use the necessary login option to proceed ahead (Image via Garena)
If you are registering for the first time, then you may utilize Google or Facebook profile. Additionally, you must have an existing Free Fire account[5] with the platforms, otherwise an error message will be displayed. You must also provide an active email address to set up the profile.
Step 3: After accessing your account, click the Download APK button to initiate the download.
Tap on the Download APK button to start the download procedure for the APK (Image via Garena)
The file size for the Free Fire OB38 Advance Server APK is 844 MB. Thus, it is advisable to download the client in a Wi-Fi environment. Moreover, you may have to download additional resource packs within the client. Therefore, ensure that you have sufficient storage available on your device before proceeding ahead with the download.
Step 4: The APK will soon be downloaded on your device[6]. Subsequently, access the settings to switch on the Install from Unknown Source option.
Step 5: Install the client and then sign in as a guest. Provide relevant details to set up an account within this special client.
Sign in as guest and then enter the Activation Code (Image via Garena)
Step 6: You will be subsequently prompted to enter an Activation Code. It is impossible to access to access the client without it. Thus, you must only download the APK if you have received it.
You may also use the Activation Codes from this list to set up your account.
Step 7: You may enjoy testing the new features in the Free Fire Advance Server until December 30, 2022.
Subsequently, all data will be erased from the client. Additionally, you may report the bugs and glitches from the website to also stand a chance to receive diamonds in your global account. You will have to provide detailed feedback in this case, including the device used, the frequency of bugs, and more.
Note: Due to government-imposed restrictions, Indian players[7] should refrain from downloading the game. Instead, they can test the new features once they are incorporated into the MAX version with the upcoming update.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here[8].
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" modalPopup.closeOnEsc = false; modalPopup.setHeader("Why did you not like this content?"); modalPopup.setContentText(modalText); modalPopup.addCancelOkButton("Submit", resetRatingAndFeedbackForm, sendRating); modalPopup.removeCloseModalIcon(); modalPopup.disableDismissPopup(); modalPopup.open(); } else { sendRating(index); } } function sendRating() { var requestPayload = { "post_id": 1340355, "rating_value": ratingValue } if (ratingValue > 3) { requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = null; requestPayload.rating_feedback = null; } else { if (!$('input[name="drone"]:checked') || !$('input[name="drone"]:checked').value) { showErrorMessage('option'); return; } if (!$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea") || !$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value) { showErrorMessage('note'); return; } var selectedOption = $('input[name="drone"]:checked').value; var feedbackNote = $(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value; requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = selectedOption; requestPayload.rating_feedback = feedbackNote; } pureJSAjaxPost(addratingAPI, requestPayload, onsaveRatingSuccess, onsaveRatingFail, function() {}, true); } function resetRatingAndFeedbackForm() { var activeStars = Array.from($all('.rating span.rating-star.active')); for (var i=0; i = 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getRatingCountByPostId(postId) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { pureJSAjaxGet( getRatingCountBaseURL + postId + '/rating/count', function(data) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.meta_value) { resolve(data.meta_value); } reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } catch (err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } }, function(err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); }, true); }); } function showErrorMessage(messageType) { var messageContainerId = '#' + messageType + '-error'; $(messageContainerId).classList.remove('hidden'); window.setInterval(function () { $(messageContainerId).classList.add("hidden"); }, 5000); } if (!isPostRatedByUser()) { getRatingCountByPostId(1340355) .then(function(ratingCount) { if (ratingCount
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Free Fire Advance Server OB38 APK download link for Android devices
OB38 Advance Server of Free Fire is now out (Image via Garena)
Garena has finally got the ball rolling for the upcoming Free Fire OB38 update with the release of Advance Server today. The servers are already online, and gamers can hop on to the client to test the unreleased features before their incorporation into the game.
However, the client’s access is limited to the Android platform, and only the individuals possessing the Activation Code can access it. You may download the official APK file provided on the website and install it on your device to enjoy the features.
'; var MOB_3_PARAMS = {}; var options = { threshold: 0 , rootMargin: "200% 0px 200% 0px" }; var dynamicAdsObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) { entries.forEach(function (oneEntry) { if (oneEntry.isIntersecting) { dynamicAdsObserver.unobserve(oneEntry.target); var domId = oneEntry.target.id; googletag.cmd.push(function() { requestBidsForAdSlot(MOB_3_PARAMS["slot"], domId); }); } }); }, options); function loadAdUnit(input) { input.playerContainer.innerHTML += AD_UNIT_MARKUP; var adContainer = input.playerContainer.querySelector(".mob_300250_3_ad"); googletag.cmd.push(function() { var slot = initAdUnit("Mob_300250_3"); if (!slot) return; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = slot.getSlotElementId(); adContainer.appendChild(div); if (input.userCountry == "IN") { requestBidsForAdSlot(slot, div.id); return; } MOB_3_PARAMS["slot"] = slot; var adElementDiv = document.getElementById(adUnits["Mob_300250_3"].div); dynamicAdsObserver.observe(adElementDiv); }); } return loadAdUnit; })();
'; function loadPlayer(params) { if (typeof initConnatixPlayer === "function") { params.playerContainer.innerHTML += PLAYER_MARKUP; var container = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".connatix-container"); container.classList.remove("hidden"); var holder = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".connatix-holder"); initConnatixPlayer(holder, params); } } return loadPlayer; })();
'; function loadPlayer(params) { if (typeof initSTNPlayer === "function") { params.playerContainer.innerHTML += PLAYER_MARKUP; var container = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".stnPlayer-container"); container.classList.remove("hidden"); var holder = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".s2nPlayer-holder"); initSTNPlayer(holder, params); } } return loadPlayer; })();
Read through for a detailed guide on downloading and installing the latest Advance Server.
How to download and install Free Fire OB38 Advance Server using the APK file
You may follow the steps outlined in the following section to download and install Free Fire OB38 Advance Server[12]:
Step 1: Search for Free Fire Advance Server website on any web browser.
Step 2: Log in to the account previously used for signing up for the client.
Use the necessary login option to proceed ahead (Image via Garena)
If you are registering for the first time, then you may utilize Google or Facebook profile. Additionally, you must have an existing Free Fire account[13] with the platforms, otherwise an error message will be displayed. You must also provide an active email address to set up the profile.
Step 3: After accessing your account, click the Download APK button to initiate the download.
Tap on the Download APK button to start the download procedure for the APK (Image via Garena)
The file size for the Free Fire OB38 Advance Server APK is 844 MB. Thus, it is advisable to download the client in a Wi-Fi environment. Moreover, you may have to download additional resource packs within the client. Therefore, ensure that you have sufficient storage available on your device before proceeding ahead with the download.
Step 4: The APK will soon be downloaded on your device[14]. Subsequently, access the settings to switch on the Install from Unknown Source option.
Step 5: Install the client and then sign in as a guest. Provide relevant details to set up an account within this special client.
Sign in as guest and then enter the Activation Code (Image via Garena)
Step 6: You will be subsequently prompted to enter an Activation Code. It is impossible to access to access the client without it. Thus, you must only download the APK if you have received it.
You may also use the Activation Codes from this list to set up your account.
Step 7: You may enjoy testing the new features in the Free Fire Advance Server until December 30, 2022.
Subsequently, all data will be erased from the client. Additionally, you may report the bugs and glitches from the website to also stand a chance to receive diamonds in your global account. You will have to provide detailed feedback in this case, including the device used, the frequency of bugs, and more.
Note: Due to government-imposed restrictions, Indian players[15] should refrain from downloading the game. Instead, they can test the new features once they are incorporated into the MAX version with the upcoming update.
Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here[16].
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" modalPopup.closeOnEsc = false; modalPopup.setHeader("Why did you not like this content?"); modalPopup.setContentText(modalText); modalPopup.addCancelOkButton("Submit", resetRatingAndFeedbackForm, sendRating); modalPopup.removeCloseModalIcon(); modalPopup.disableDismissPopup(); modalPopup.open(); } else { sendRating(index); } } function sendRating() { var requestPayload = { "post_id": 1340355, "rating_value": ratingValue } if (ratingValue > 3) { requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = null; requestPayload.rating_feedback = null; } else { if (!$('input[name="drone"]:checked') || !$('input[name="drone"]:checked').value) { showErrorMessage('option'); return; } if (!$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea") || !$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value) { showErrorMessage('note'); return; } var selectedOption = $('input[name="drone"]:checked').value; var feedbackNote = $(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value; requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = selectedOption; requestPayload.rating_feedback = feedbackNote; } pureJSAjaxPost(addratingAPI, requestPayload, onsaveRatingSuccess, onsaveRatingFail, function() {}, true); } function resetRatingAndFeedbackForm() { var activeStars = Array.from($all('.rating span.rating-star.active')); for (var i=0; i = 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getRatingCountByPostId(postId) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { pureJSAjaxGet( getRatingCountBaseURL + postId + '/rating/count', function(data) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.meta_value) { resolve(data.meta_value); } reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } catch (err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } }, function(err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); }, true); }); } function showErrorMessage(messageType) { var messageContainerId = '#' + messageType + '-error'; $(messageContainerId).classList.remove('hidden'); window.setInterval(function () { $(messageContainerId).classList.add("hidden"); }, 5000); } if (!isPostRatedByUser()) { getRatingCountByPostId(1340355) .then(function(ratingCount) { if (ratingCount