PUBG Mobile's 2.3 update is finally here (Image via Sportskeeda)
The PUBG Mobile[4] 2.3 update was recently made available, and its arrival has generated great excitement among the title's playerbase. The patch has introduced many new features, including a themed game mode that was added in collaboration with the renowned Argentine footballer Lionel Messi.
Gamers can install the latest game version on their smartphones to try out the various additions the developers have made available via the relevant app store. Android users may also use the APK file, which is directly downloadable through the game’s official website. If one wishes to use the APK to install the PUBG Mobile 2.3 update on their device, they should follow the procedures outlined in the section below.
'; var MOB_3_PARAMS = {}; var options = { threshold: 0 , rootMargin: "200% 0px 200% 0px" }; var dynamicAdsObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) { entries.forEach(function (oneEntry) { if (oneEntry.isIntersecting) { dynamicAdsObserver.unobserve(; var domId =; googletag.cmd.push(function() { requestBidsForAdSlot(MOB_3_PARAMS["slot"], domId); }); } }); }, options); function loadAdUnit(input) { input.playerContainer.innerHTML += AD_UNIT_MARKUP; var adContainer = input.playerContainer.querySelector(".mob_300250_3_ad"); googletag.cmd.push(function() { var slot = initAdUnit("Mob_300250_3"); if (!slot) return; var div = document.createElement('div'); = slot.getSlotElementId(); adContainer.appendChild(div); if (input.userCountry == "IN") { requestBidsForAdSlot(slot,; return; } MOB_3_PARAMS["slot"] = slot; var adElementDiv = document.getElementById(adUnits["Mob_300250_3"].div); dynamicAdsObserver.observe(adElementDiv); }); } return loadAdUnit; })();
'; function loadPlayer(params) { if (typeof initConnatixPlayer === "function") { params.playerContainer.innerHTML += PLAYER_MARKUP; var container = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".connatix-container"); container.classList.remove("hidden"); var holder = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".connatix-holder"); initConnatixPlayer(holder, params); } } return loadPlayer; })();
'; function loadPlayer(params) { if (typeof initSTNPlayer === "function") { params.playerContainer.innerHTML += PLAYER_MARKUP; var container = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".stnPlayer-container"); container.classList.remove("hidden"); var holder = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".s2nPlayer-holder"); initSTNPlayer(holder, params); } } return loadPlayer; })();
Disclaimer: Since PUBG Mobile is prohibited in India, Indian gamers are advised to avoid playing the game on their smartphones. They must also not end up downloading it under any circumstances due to the government-imposedban[5].
Step-by-step guide on downloading PUBG Mobile 2.3 update using the APK file
Two distinct APK files are made available by the developers on the official website (Image via Tencent)
Like most previous updates, developers have released two separate APK files: regular and compact. Here are the direct download links for the same:
Players can choose either of the two variants to download the latest 2.3 update. The regular APK file will allow them to begin playing after the installation. Meanwhile, if they go ahead with the small/compact APK, they will be required to download specific resource packs first.
Steps to download and install the update are listed below:
Step 1: To start the procedure, download either APK file on your device using the links provided above.
The regular variant is sized at 1.09 GB, while the smaller version is 542MB. Before you begin the download, you must ensure that your device has enough storage space.
Here are the sizes of the two different APK files that you can use (Image via Opera)
Step 2: After the required APK is downloaded, you may enable the “Install from Unknown Source” setting and install it.
Step 3: After the conclusion of the installation process, open the game’s application and log in using the platform associated with your account. New users will have to create a fresh one.
If you have gone ahead with the compact APK, you will have to download the resource packs before this step.
Step 4: The PUBG Mobile 2.3 update[8] is ready to be enjoyed, and you can jump into the themed game mode right away.
In case you receive an error message when installing the APK, you should try reinstalling it. If that doesn’t work, try downloading the file again.
Features of PUBG Mobile 2.3 update
List of features included in the new 2.3 update of the game (Image via Sportskeeda)
Listed below are a few of the key features that the developers are offering with the latest PUBG Mobile 2.3 update:
Football Mania-themed mode in collaboration with Lionel Messi
Official Aftermath Mode (opening December 2, 2022)
Events based on Unite for One Goal
Firearm changes: NS2000, Kar98K, M24 and AWM
New Cycle 3 Season 9 with Tier goal system
New Creation System
Map changes: Erangel, Livik, and Nusa
Other improvements and bug fixes
Read the detailed patch notes of the update by visiting this link[9].
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" modalPopup.closeOnEsc = false; modalPopup.setHeader("Why did you not like this content?"); modalPopup.setContentText(modalText); modalPopup.addCancelOkButton("Submit", resetRatingAndFeedbackForm, sendRating); modalPopup.removeCloseModalIcon(); modalPopup.disableDismissPopup();; } else { sendRating(index); } } function sendRating() { var requestPayload = { "post_id": 1298049, "rating_value": ratingValue } if (ratingValue > 3) { requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = null; requestPayload.rating_feedback = null; } else { if (!$('input[name="drone"]:checked') || !$('input[name="drone"]:checked').value) { showErrorMessage('option'); return; } if (!$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea") || !$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value) { showErrorMessage('note'); return; } var selectedOption = $('input[name="drone"]:checked').value; var feedbackNote = $(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value; requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = selectedOption; requestPayload.rating_feedback = feedbackNote; } pureJSAjaxPost(addratingAPI, requestPayload, onsaveRatingSuccess, onsaveRatingFail, function() {}, true); } function resetRatingAndFeedbackForm() { var activeStars = Array.from($all('.rating')); for (var i=0; i = 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getRatingCountByPostId(postId) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { pureJSAjaxGet( getRatingCountBaseURL + postId + '/rating/count', function(data) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.meta_value) { resolve(data.meta_value); } reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } catch (err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } }, function(err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); }, true); }); } function showErrorMessage(messageType) { var messageContainerId = '#' + messageType + '-error'; $(messageContainerId).classList.remove('hidden'); window.setInterval(function () { $(messageContainerId).classList.add("hidden"); }, 5000); } if (!isPostRatedByUser()) { getRatingCountByPostId(1298049) .then(function(ratingCount) { if (ratingCount
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PUBG Mobile 2.3 global version APK download link for Android devices
PUBG Mobile's 2.3 update is finally here (Image via Sportskeeda)
The PUBG Mobile[13] 2.3 update was recently made available, and its arrival has generated great excitement among the title's playerbase. The patch has introduced many new features, including a themed game mode that was added in collaboration with the renowned Argentine footballer Lionel Messi.
Gamers can install the latest game version on their smartphones to try out the various additions the developers have made available via the relevant app store. Android users may also use the APK file, which is directly downloadable through the game’s official website. If one wishes to use the APK to install the PUBG Mobile 2.3 update on their device, they should follow the procedures outlined in the section below.
'; var MOB_3_PARAMS = {}; var options = { threshold: 0 , rootMargin: "200% 0px 200% 0px" }; var dynamicAdsObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function(entries) { entries.forEach(function (oneEntry) { if (oneEntry.isIntersecting) { dynamicAdsObserver.unobserve(; var domId =; googletag.cmd.push(function() { requestBidsForAdSlot(MOB_3_PARAMS["slot"], domId); }); } }); }, options); function loadAdUnit(input) { input.playerContainer.innerHTML += AD_UNIT_MARKUP; var adContainer = input.playerContainer.querySelector(".mob_300250_3_ad"); googletag.cmd.push(function() { var slot = initAdUnit("Mob_300250_3"); if (!slot) return; var div = document.createElement('div'); = slot.getSlotElementId(); adContainer.appendChild(div); if (input.userCountry == "IN") { requestBidsForAdSlot(slot,; return; } MOB_3_PARAMS["slot"] = slot; var adElementDiv = document.getElementById(adUnits["Mob_300250_3"].div); dynamicAdsObserver.observe(adElementDiv); }); } return loadAdUnit; })();
'; function loadPlayer(params) { if (typeof initConnatixPlayer === "function") { params.playerContainer.innerHTML += PLAYER_MARKUP; var container = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".connatix-container"); container.classList.remove("hidden"); var holder = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".connatix-holder"); initConnatixPlayer(holder, params); } } return loadPlayer; })();
'; function loadPlayer(params) { if (typeof initSTNPlayer === "function") { params.playerContainer.innerHTML += PLAYER_MARKUP; var container = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".stnPlayer-container"); container.classList.remove("hidden"); var holder = params.playerContainer.querySelector(".s2nPlayer-holder"); initSTNPlayer(holder, params); } } return loadPlayer; })();
Disclaimer: Since PUBG Mobile is prohibited in India, Indian gamers are advised to avoid playing the game on their smartphones. They must also not end up downloading it under any circumstances due to the government-imposedban[14].
Step-by-step guide on downloading PUBG Mobile 2.3 update using the APK file
Two distinct APK files are made available by the developers on the official website (Image via Tencent)
Like most previous updates, developers have released two separate APK files: regular and compact. Here are the direct download links for the same:
Players can choose either of the two variants to download the latest 2.3 update. The regular APK file will allow them to begin playing after the installation. Meanwhile, if they go ahead with the small/compact APK, they will be required to download specific resource packs first.
Steps to download and install the update are listed below:
Step 1: To start the procedure, download either APK file on your device using the links provided above.
The regular variant is sized at 1.09 GB, while the smaller version is 542MB. Before you begin the download, you must ensure that your device has enough storage space.
Here are the sizes of the two different APK files that you can use (Image via Opera)
Step 2: After the required APK is downloaded, you may enable the “Install from Unknown Source” setting and install it.
Step 3: After the conclusion of the installation process, open the game’s application and log in using the platform associated with your account. New users will have to create a fresh one.
If you have gone ahead with the compact APK, you will have to download the resource packs before this step.
Step 4: The PUBG Mobile 2.3 update[17] is ready to be enjoyed, and you can jump into the themed game mode right away.
In case you receive an error message when installing the APK, you should try reinstalling it. If that doesn’t work, try downloading the file again.
Features of PUBG Mobile 2.3 update
List of features included in the new 2.3 update of the game (Image via Sportskeeda)
Listed below are a few of the key features that the developers are offering with the latest PUBG Mobile 2.3 update:
Football Mania-themed mode in collaboration with Lionel Messi
Official Aftermath Mode (opening December 2, 2022)
Events based on Unite for One Goal
Firearm changes: NS2000, Kar98K, M24 and AWM
New Cycle 3 Season 9 with Tier goal system
New Creation System
Map changes: Erangel, Livik, and Nusa
Other improvements and bug fixes
Read the detailed patch notes of the update by visiting this link[18].
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More from Sportskeeda
" modalPopup.closeOnEsc = false; modalPopup.setHeader("Why did you not like this content?"); modalPopup.setContentText(modalText); modalPopup.addCancelOkButton("Submit", resetRatingAndFeedbackForm, sendRating); modalPopup.removeCloseModalIcon(); modalPopup.disableDismissPopup();; } else { sendRating(index); } } function sendRating() { var requestPayload = { "post_id": 1298049, "rating_value": ratingValue } if (ratingValue > 3) { requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = null; requestPayload.rating_feedback = null; } else { if (!$('input[name="drone"]:checked') || !$('input[name="drone"]:checked').value) { showErrorMessage('option'); return; } if (!$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea") || !$(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value) { showErrorMessage('note'); return; } var selectedOption = $('input[name="drone"]:checked').value; var feedbackNote = $(".post-rating-feedback-note textarea").value; requestPayload.rating_feedback_type = selectedOption; requestPayload.rating_feedback = feedbackNote; } pureJSAjaxPost(addratingAPI, requestPayload, onsaveRatingSuccess, onsaveRatingFail, function() {}, true); } function resetRatingAndFeedbackForm() { var activeStars = Array.from($all('.rating')); for (var i=0; i = 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getRatingCountByPostId(postId) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { pureJSAjaxGet( getRatingCountBaseURL + postId + '/rating/count', function(data) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.meta_value) { resolve(data.meta_value); } reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } catch (err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); } }, function(err) { reject("Failed to fetch rating count for the post:" + postId); }, true); }); } function showErrorMessage(messageType) { var messageContainerId = '#' + messageType + '-error'; $(messageContainerId).classList.remove('hidden'); window.setInterval(function () { $(messageContainerId).classList.add("hidden"); }, 5000); } if (!isPostRatedByUser()) { getRatingCountByPostId(1298049) .then(function(ratingCount) { if (ratingCount